Closed Thursday 1/9 Due To Inclement Weather

Episode 7 - Stitch Pink 2022 with Cathe Holden and Leather & Lace and Amazing Grace

Episode 7 - Stitch Pink 2022 with Cathe Holden and Leather & Lace and Amazing Grace

Written by: 
Jessie Lathroum

Let's chat a little about breast cancer in general and approaching the subject with others.

For Cathe, Leather, Lace, and Amazing Grace is akin to a visual journal.  “Cancer isn’t my identity, it’s just my experience and Leather, Lace, & Amazing Grace reflects that,”she says. “It’s filled with many blessings.”

For resources and information, please visit 

To make a donation to NBCF and help get women access to the education, screening, and support they need, click HERE

Moda is a proud supporter of the National Breast Cancer Foundation. 

Tomorrow we will close our series with Cathe and talk about how her perspective has changed. On life, on work, on breast cancer, family, etc. 


INSTAGRAM: @CatheHolden

FACEBOOK: Cathe Holden Design