Welcome to Moda Fabrics!
Block Heads 2 - Block 3
Block Heads 2 - Block 3
Shhh... don't anybody jinx anything.
Happy Block Heads Wednesday - Round 2, Week 3. Welcome to Pennsylvania - the Keystone State!

This is Block 3 - as pieced by Moda Michelle using fabrics from Old Cambridge Pike by Barbara Brackman and Collections for a Cause by Howard Marcus.
BLOCK INSTRUCTIONS - Block Heads 2 - Block 3 - Pennsylvannia.

This is my Pennsylvania block. It's made with fabrics from Jen Kingwell's Looking Forward Lollies and a background from Zen Chic's upcoming More Paper.
As much as I like it, I started thinking about what else I could do with the same "base block" - I'd just switch around some of the basic parts. Basic... the definition of that is probably a bit relative.

First, I substituted a four-patch for the center square - the squares are the same size as the corners. Then I used half-triangle squares for the corners and a quarter-triangle square for the center. All the squares are still 1-1/2" unfinished, 1" finished. The centers are 2-1/2" unfinished, 2" finished.
In case you missed it - Block Heads 2 - Block 3 - Pennsylvannia. .
If you haven't yet visited everyone, here are the Block Heads for Round 2:
- Lynne Hagmeier of Kansas Troubles
- Barbara Groves of Me & My Sister Designs
- Me - the Cutting Table
- Brigitte Heitland of Zen Chic
- Vanessa Goertzen of Lella Boutique
- Betsy Chutchian
- Stacy Iest Hsu
- Jan Patek
- Laurie Simpson of Minick & Simpson
- Jo Morton
- Sherri McConnell
- Lisa Bongean of Primitive Gatherings
- Corey Yoder of Coriander Quilts
That's it for today - Wednesday, June 20. Or BH2 W3.
Happy Blockheads Wednesday!